I’m sure you already know that your marriage will be sweeter if you can deeply connect with your Husband. Your ability to build a dream team with your Spouse, make him listen to you,  influence Him positively and also enjoy a marriage where communication is without hassle all emerges from your ability to connect with your Husband.

Personally, I am always seeking ways to connect more with my Husband and with each passing day I feel more connected to Him than I was yesterday. If this is what you also desire , then keep reading because I got you covered.

If you browse through the internet, you will see all sorts of ideas on how to connect with your Husband. However, what you may not find and would never know is that there is a step you MUST pass through before you can wholeheartedly connect with your Husband.

Did I hear you say what step?

Oya, come closer and Keep reading.

Be not deceived, you will struggle to grow and connect with your Spouse if you do not have a relationship with yourself. Oh yes, you read that correctly.

Oh MrzSparkles, you have started again. What does this even mean? How can I have a relationship with myself?

Relax, I got you and this is why I am here. Do you know that the effectiveness of anything you communicate to your Spouse relies more on your character, than the content of the message?. I can tell by your  character the kind of value you have placed on yourself and to an extent predict the kind of relationship you have with yourself. Pause for a moment to think. Can you see others clearly when you have an unclear view of yourself? Who reverse backwards without a mirror to see who or what is behind?

You need to know, like , and accept yourself for who you truly are without any denial of your realities.

Are you ready to start with you? Here is how:

📌Embark on a Self awareness exercise so that you can appreciate your greatness and be more familiar with your strengths. Ask your close friends or family members to describe you in a sentence. PS: Watch out for responses that are similar. Take self assessments that help you know your strengths and weaknesses. Your attempt to connect with your Husband without an understanding of these will mostly misfire and work against you.

📌 Let go of your inner perfectionist mindset. Oh yes! Extend grace to yourself so that you can appreciate your progress so far. Errrm the house isn’t tidy but  you could sort out dinner for the kids even when you got home by 7pm. Queen, that’s something…  If you are constantly saying critical things about yourself you won’t be confident with yourself and this will reflect in your relationship with your Spouse.

📌Stop making social media the Standard. Oh I really wish that you realize that people mostly put out their best foot on social Media. Not everyone is living in paradise like you think.

➡️Newsflash: You are not alone, almost everyone has a battle they are facing behind the scenes. Be grateful for your season, it’s part of the process.

📌Let go of bitterness and practice forgiveness. Knowing peace is understanding that forgiveness is more for you than anyone else. Imagine the offender living “premium life” while you are still sulking over how they hurt you. Sis, Let go and Let God.

..and my last but not the least point

📌Dwell in God’s presence. How is it even possible to connect with yourself when there is no relation with the one who created you and has your life’s manual?

No doubt the Spirit of  God will always lead and direct us but t has to be your choice to desire it. It doesn’t have to be a struggle. Set aside time to reflect, pray and journal. Oh In the past 2 years, journaling has been so rewarding for me. You can start with worship, have a playlist, whichever works for you but release yourself in His presence so that you can see God reveal Himself to you.

The more you know Him, the more you come to the awareness of who you are which makes it easier for you to position yourself before anyone including your Husband, as the knowledge of Self improves your confidence and makes you effortlessly reveal the greatness that lies on the inside of you.

I believe this was very helpful? Share with your friends let them come to the light of this truth just like you have. 

Which part will you say jumped at you the most? You can tell me in the comments section, I will be reading through.

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